A lifetime to learn how to become a shadow
sábado, abril 29, 2017
viernes, abril 28, 2017
miércoles, abril 26, 2017
lunes, abril 24, 2017
Desde que existe la escritura, las lectoras han aprendido,
exactamente igual que los lectores, a ver el mundo a través de los ojos masculinos.
Nancy Huston
De niña, cuando escribía, lo hacía como si fuera hombre. Me refería a mí misma como hombre y cuando leía lo que escribía escuchaba una voz masculina detrás de mis diarios, poemas, cuentos, etc. Ahora entiendo que esto me pasaba porque había crecido leyendo textos escritos por hombres. Desde la Biblia hasta revistas científicas, así como libros que mis papás me compraban o ya tenían. Incluso Mafalda, la pequeña chica que fue mi modelo a seguir en la niñez, había sido escrita por un hombre. Supongo que si un hombre creciera leyendo solo textos escritos por mujeres le pasaría algo similar, aunque en sentido contrario. Lo relevante aquí es que no recuerdo que en mi casa, entre los pocos libros que había, hubiera alguno escrito por una mujer.
Mis alumnos cuando se presentan al inicio del semestre normalmente hablan de lo que les gusta hacer. Con frecuencia, algunas de las chicas, al menos una o dos en clase, dicen que no les gustan las historias de amor y que les gustan los deportes (normalmente lo dicen como si estos fueran polos opuestos). Noto un cierto orgullo cuando cuentan que desde niñas han sido muy masculinas, es decir, que no jugaban con muñecas ni vajllas y que preferían escalar árboles. Sin embargo, ninguno de mis alumnos hombres, no ha dicho nunca que sus gustos no son masculinos. Ninguno, con cierto orgullo ha dicho que prefiere las actividades femeninas –entendidas estas desde cualquier perspectiva, desde lo masculino, tradicionalmente opuesto a lo femenino o desde alguna perspectiva menos dicotómica.
viernes, abril 21, 2017
jueves, abril 20, 2017
miércoles, abril 19, 2017
"When I was younger, this made it difficult for me to accept that the writing I felt moved to produce, however honest it was, had validity. Was it okay to write about my family, for instance, when so many people have already written about their families? Was it okay to write about keeping a notebook when Joan Didion already did that? Or puberty? Or anorexia?"
Sarah Gerard
jueves, abril 13, 2017
miércoles, abril 12, 2017
La lentitud
Soy demasiado lenta para este mundo vertiginoso. Mis párpados se cierran cuando los de los otros lo han hecho ya cientos de veces. Luego, se abren cuando la imagen que guardaron del mundo para sí ya cambió diametralmente; cuando ya todo pasó y solo quedan restos de lo que hubo. Mis palabras las piensa mi mente y las emite mi boca semanas, meses o incluso años luego de que tuvieran sentido su significado. Sueño sueños y luego, después de años, los recuerdo y los entiendo. Esta lentitud, que me acompaña y me apresa, me hace una víctima cuya rabia y ansias por escapar llegan siempre tarde.
(sigo usando blog cuando ya todos se mudaron a twittet o snapshot)
martes, abril 11, 2017
sábado, abril 08, 2017
Only Lovers Left Alive OST - 02 Funnel of Love (Madeline Follin)
What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how
infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and
admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like
a god! he also created vampires
Where to start how this movie is great? It literally makes me cry.
viernes, abril 07, 2017
lunes, abril 03, 2017
Hello. This voice I speak with these days, this English voice with its rounded vowels and consonants in more or less the right place—this is not the voice of my childhood. I picked it up in college, along with the unabridged Clarissa and a taste for port. Maybe this fact is only what it seems to be—a case of bald social climbing—but at the time I genuinely thought this was the voice of lettered people, and that if I didn’t have the voice of lettered people I would never truly be lettered. A braver person, perhaps, would have stood firm, teaching her peers a useful lesson by example: not all lettered people need be of the same class, nor speak identically. I went the other way. Partly out of cowardice and a constitutional eagerness to please, but also because I didn’t quite see it as a straight swap, of this voice for that.
Extract form "Speaking in tongues" by Zadie Smith
M tells me she always speaks the same way. “Even
with your family?,” I asked astonished. She says yes. She says she courses in front of her father or her aunts if
she wants to. She says that she would be lying
if she did otherwise. She cares about authenticity a lot.
I say I can’t. I have a way to talk with my friends, my parents, my colleagues, etc. I use different voices for different people.
I say I can’t. I have a way to talk with my friends, my parents, my colleagues, etc. I use different voices for different people.
She doesn’t say anything but I can see she
disapproves what I’m saying. I kind of sense how she feels better with herself
for her own gained freedom of being always the same.
I don’t say it either, but I think that what freedom is to her, for me is a lack of flexibility, hence of freedom of being able to be, through language, different versions of our selves.
We drop the conversation.
Very often, our conversations are very rewarding. They make us feel better with ourselves, whether for agreeing with each other, or for the opposite, which helps us finding in ourselves what we like about us better.
I don’t say it either, but I think that what freedom is to her, for me is a lack of flexibility, hence of freedom of being able to be, through language, different versions of our selves.
We drop the conversation.
Very often, our conversations are very rewarding. They make us feel better with ourselves, whether for agreeing with each other, or for the opposite, which helps us finding in ourselves what we like about us better.
Extract from a morning conversation in my place
domingo, abril 02, 2017
sábado, abril 01, 2017
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