martes, julio 30, 2013

My gift to you will be an abyss, she said,
but it will be so subtle you’ll perceive it
only after many years have passed
and you are far from Mexico and me.
You’ll find it when you need it most,
and that won’t be
the happy ending,
but it will be an instant of emptiness and joy.
And maybe then you’ll remember me,
if only just a little.
Roberto Bolaño, “My Gift To You,” from issue 201, Summer 2012:

martes, julio 23, 2013

Those moments when you ask but you don't really want to get the answer. 

jueves, julio 18, 2013

También de inocencia se es culpable. 

lunes, julio 08, 2013

What's faster, the image or the word? 

jueves, julio 04, 2013


Claves para intuir 

martes, julio 02, 2013


Lo que fue ya no es.